The Sweet 17

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

TK stands for Terima Kasih

Hello everyone in TK. Here goes my appreciation post, I couldn't post it to my socmed acc because I am pemalu type of lady [ughh].

Mr Phamacist of the year, my neighbour. Keep on beramal jariah, in case someone ngepaw you at Family Mart in the future, pls be happy. Haha. And, be kind to your neighbour, including the big brother from Family Mart.

2. Kaklin
Thank you for your mom's rendang and sambal udang, actually I kept a secret that I felt like crying when I ate your rendang during raya eve. Jangan garang2 selalu yeeeeerrrr. ✌️

3. Akma
Be happppy Akma, untuk breastfeeding future. Hihi. And, you are veryyy generous but make sure don't waste the food you buy. Jangan Nakalllll Eeaaaa. 😋

4. Mardhiah Aladawiah
This lady has taught me kemahiran hidup. How to cook ayam masak lemak and what to do when your car screams, it just needs new bearing. Nanti makan matcha tu ingat sikit kat RJ pun ada Family Mart. 😌

5. Fatin Farhana
My concert gang, weeeeeee I am amazzzzed with your talent. We will have another concert for sure. Tengtengtengtengtengtengtengteng we were both young when I first saw youuu... 

6. Siti FY
Siti situ sana sini, you go girl with your healthy lifestyle but please don't over do it. Solehah tau dak ni dia rajin puasa sunat wehh alhamdulillah. Keep it up! 

7. Putri Sahjat
My geng surau, thank u for being my jemaah I adore you. Rajin buat plano, don't forget to arrange my plano just now, okay. 

Overall I just cannot thank you enough, all of you, alhamdulillah that we crossed path. 

I am sorry on everything I did wrong and.. 

my good bye simply means see you again. 

Wink ~. ^

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