The Sweet 17

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Friday 29th diary.



Banyak cerita. Tapi pendek cerita, pagi tadi telah menikmati husband's delivery. Meaning: HUSBAND HANTARKAN SAYA KE FAKULTI. First time ever indulging that feeling, and it was good!. However the starting was a little bit gloom (haha) sebab husband sangat mengantuk pagi tadi. Biasalah malam semalam kan malam Jumaat [?!!]. Er no way, husband sibuk sekarang, banyak assignment. Makanya kami pun PJJ malam tadi sebab isteri kerek ini is negative photothropic when she is sleeping. So, the lovely husband pun terpaksa buat kerja sekolah dekat dining table sampai pukul 5 pagi. Hihi.

It's now midnight and I'm not sleepy yet. We had dinner at Dunkin Donuts on the way back. Balik-balik DD.            
Padahal nak makan BK. Pastu sebab massive traffic jam, we had to settle our stomach with DD. Er husband dah pengsan sejak tadi sebab penat. You know, minor beta thalassemic kan beliau tu. Heee.

Anyways, just for my record [in case I miss my past in future], currently this is my chrome:

"Cats know various things"

We'll be having birthdays celebration tomorrow at Papa's home stay. Jointly our celebration for finishing studies :D Nyam nyam. Can't wait! Sudah pun berniat akan makan banyak. Lagipun Emak dengan Ayah will be joining the crowd. Pastu malam esok will be the first time to have a good night sleep with hubby there. And maybe we'll have a picnic at the nearby river on Sunday.

Meanwhile, I miss Adam. Adam will have a brother in few days. Mungkin populariti Adam akan sedikit sebanyak terjejas. Haha.

My henna is almost finish! Tsk tsk
Actually I was burning the night oil just now, preparing for Bio and Chem classes tomorrow. Tapi belum pun habis terpaksa buat keputusan mengundur diri. 

Pendek sangatlah cerita. Eh eh tak masuk lagi pagi tadi bagi scratch terhadap kereta suami. Haha. Sorry yang, kalau awak belikan Volkswagon Golf GTI I promise to be a perfect and cute driver. 

Sekian, cerita pendek is almost finish.

Eh I just studied about fertilisation topic, FSH, LH, oestrogen, progesterone, morula, blastosista, thropoblast, embryo and all those thingy. And I learned about copulation, why sperms are millions in counts. I will be a good Bio teacher tomorrow, with minimal experience. At least, I have that kind of experience. Tttteeeetttt hehhe :p

Ok, till then.

wink wink ~.^

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Our House Is Welcoming You!


Hello, kami baru nak bernafas semula. Lepas kahwin tak pernah rasa free. Told you, kadang-kadang rasa LAME. Tapi saya pasti ia tak bermaksud LAME towards negativity. Hiks.

We managed to decorate our house, only just recently!! After months of marriage. Hihi. Big thanks to Mama sebab bagi kami duduk rumah ni. Saayang Mama :-* So now we are the official guardian of this lovely house. Alhamdulillah. :D

With limited furniture, kami pun buatlah apa yang patut. Saya dan suami yang comel tu sangat sukakan hasilnya. Terharu sampai taknak keluar rumah dah. Haha tipu. Anyways, here goes.... cekidout.

Waiting area, just in front of the door :D
We do not have TV. Tapi ada tempat TV je. Hihi. 
Garden table ni terpaksa dijadikan our dining table. Sesuai untuk kami det suami isteri. Kawan-kawan datang pun makan-makan kat sini atau kat luar tu.
This is our small kitchen. Small refrigerator, bagus untuk avoid makan banyak. Setiap kali nak beli lauk kat pasar asyik fikir peti ais tak muat. Kehkeh. Limited furniture, terpaksa guna garden table kat dapur :p 
Our working area and the stove. 
And the sink. :D
Kami belum sempat nak memanaskan rumah ini. Oleh yang demikian, nantikan saja hari raya akan datang. 

Sekian, jemputlah datang rumah. Pastu kalau datang, pastikan anda membawa buah tangan! :p Uish. Tak tak, provoke je lebih. Hihi.

wink wink ~.^

Tuesday, June 19, 2012



Pesan Imam Syafie, "Tuntutlah ilmu sebanyak mungkin kerana ia dapat menjaga dan membuat kamu cemerlang di dunia dan akhirat".

Hai Hai Hai! I need to mend my heart. Haha. I feel lame, jadi student lama sangat dah, ia menyebabkan keguguran rambut Rapunzel. Asyik fikir: Thesis. Correction. Thesis. Correction. Data collection. It haunts me. 

Makan. Lemak. Gemuk. They haunts me even more! 

Currently sungguh busy. Cita-cita nak honeymoon kat Paris pun terpaksa delay. Heh. :p

BTW, Congratulations Sayang!! :D

wink wink ~.^

Monday, June 18, 2012

A week of celebration


It has been long since I last wrote here, and when I decided to write yesterday, my hubby kidnapped my pegASUS - addicted to movies, after he's finally exam-free. My hubby had downloaded few movies [eh bukan few kot, terlampau banyak sampai hard disk saya dah tak muat], all thanks to this pegASUS of mine and hubby's Celcom Broadband. You wouldn't know how fast the broadband is in Lavender Ht, especially from our room! We had just discovered it when we started to download movies.

Oh, the MSc viva went [not so] well last Wednesday. :p  I don't know whether it is true or not I lack of showmanship. Pemalu, perhaps. >.<  I don't mind though. Masa tu nak dengar soalan panel pun dah tak sanggup sebab penat lama sangat kena tanya macam-macam soalan and I can't handle few questions that tricked me. Thanks to Hasnan and Lai Kuan for the tips - just agree with them if they ask weird question. Jangan melawan. Which I did, but then the panels said that I'm too humble. T_T [Padahal husband cakap saya jobo].

We finished our studies at the right time, husband habis exam hari Selasa, saya pass viva hari Rabu. So, just how lucky I was that Wednesday, the hubby's classmates held a barbecue at Kemensah. The place is nice, the foods [prepared by MIAT students] were awesome. Despite all their monotonous chat, their naughty faces, but they managed to serve garlic bread, grilled chicken, prawn and fries, and all of those were perfect in taste. 

The celebration continues, Ayah bought me a simple but touched gift, iaitu sekotak besar kinder bueno and a hug. I cried, though my husband ask 'why should you cry?'. Heh, dia mana tau nak feeling-feeling. Then, in law parents celebrated us too, had big dinner at BK. :D

Enough said for the success. Thank you for all the support. Hehe. 

And yesterday was father's day. Happy father's day to Ayah and Papa. We love you. :-*

wink wink ~.^

Monday, June 11, 2012

Dreaming :D


He tried to cover his yummeh stomach. Er, the neck as well!!
Life has treated me well. :D

I wish both of us can make it [secret agenda (konon)]..................we are dreaming a lot now!

wink wink ~.^

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Saya Raksasa Comel


I declared myself as Raksasa today as my hubby sibuk nak jadi atromen. Asalkan hubby cakap saya Raksasa comel, satu hari mood saya cantik!! :p 

The day went well [setakat ni] even though the hubby claimed he needs the whole day for final exam preparation. End up he is sleeping. Kesian tau dekat suami sebab mintak nasi goreng isteri tapi beras dah habis. Er actually the wife cheers "YAAYYY beras habis" sebab MALAS. Astaghfirullahalazim..hihihi

We are looking forward for a date ke mana-mana lah after our struggling phase together [lah sangat]. I cannot focus [macam biasa, poyo] on my study, slide viva pun belum prepare, so you can judge my gebon-ness starting this week. My Monday will turn BLUE sebab kena belajar bersungguh-sungguh. What the hmm. 

Sekarang det kat sini makan biskut cream crackers cicah air je :D

Wish me luck again, pleasssseeee do. Thank you very much.

Meanwhile kan, I feel like going out with friends. Beautiful weddings everywhere, tapi belum sempat jugak jumpa kawan-kawan lepas kahwin ni. BTW, congrats to newlyweds. Best kan kawen? :p 

Err atromen pengsan tak sedar-sedar lagi, raksasa akan menyerang. Hihi

Good Luck for your very final examination My Atromen. Awaklah lelaki supersaiya!! Love you muchomucho! 

wink wink ~.^

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