The Sweet 17

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Resipi: Chicken Ball


I was so excited to post this just now but recently dah malas pulak.

The photo has been aired through fb last week. Heh, semangat nak tunjuk kat sisters-made-in-heaven tu hasil hadiah perkahwinan mereka. 

Disebabkan suami tak suka makan dada ayam, bila beli 1 whole ayam, all the breast part kena blend, transform into something different [kononnya]. 

So, I just grind the breast part for 1 whole chicken with:

~1 tsp salt
~1/2 tsp sugar
~1 tbsp oyster sauce
black pepper
2 whole eggs

Er pastu suami cakap lagi sedap kalau letak chicken stock ye..

Mix all of them in a bowl, pastu let the mixer grinder settle the job. Pastu celup telur and golekkan atas oats dan goreng. Bukankah senang?

Next in the recipe, bungkuskan sedikit untuk keluarga mertua. Harap peluang cerah jadi menantu fevret! 

Kehkeh. Ok SYS (see you soon)!!

wink wink ~.^


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