The Sweet 17

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

MSc Convo


By now, I'm in Bristol, missing my former life. Dah dah cukuplah sebelum terbuat entry linangan air mata. Hukhuk.

Last week (22 Oct 2012) was my MSc convo dan boleh juga kita panggil Pinky Day.

About MSc convo, it was toooooo great compared to my bachelor degree convo in 2009. Atas sebab-sebab cliche lah bukan, mestilah konvo yang ini better, sebab ada suami, baby in me and family. Konvo dengan BFF yang dah tak bachelor lagi [tapi masa konvo tu dia bujang 6 hari towards marriage] iaitu Hasnan. So touched to have such a great family and friends.

 I wish Hasnan will be a great husband to Fida.
He has been a great friend of mine all the time.

My beloved family. [alaamaak nangiss :'(]

 Prof and Dr RR. Will also be missed.

 Nabila. One day the robe will be yours too.

 Family lagi. [Nangis lagi.]

 Haiza and Aisyah, friends are real treasures..

 Hoping one day we'll spend time together again.

And the flowers, you must be wilted by now.. in our room T______T
Thanks for the fragrance and the happiness that is brought by your sender.

Hari-hari yang indah memang datang selalu lah bukan. Tapi kalau hari yang terlampau indah macam konvo haritu akan terus sealed dalam hipokampus tempat penyimpanan memori di otak.


Alhamdulillah for this kind of path that I walk through with wonderful people around.
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah

wink wink ~.^

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Me :D

Assalamualaikum semua.

Ini ialah gambarajah saya minggu lepas di tepi rumah.
See see, baby tengah growing :D

Sekian. wink wink ~.^

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Way to cool..


1. A nature disaster just happened yesterday. Heavy rain, lightning and storm passed through Lavender. Akibatnya, bumbung atas bilik kami tercabut, siap berterabur atas rumput. Nasib baik siling tak pecah. Flood in two rooms at the 2nd floor, we caught our carpets swimming. Luckily it's just a minor flood in our room, though carpet basah juga sikit. And this morning, the house smells goooooood with the carpet aroma. Pagi yang mendung macam tak mengizinkan penyidaian carpet. Later will find laundry shop for the carpets. Again $$$$$!

2. Just finished my Biology class today, next week will be the last class, the precious moment with my students next week will be treasured. Tengah fikir lagi hadiah apa nak bagi dekat my students, Biha, Hasni, Qayyum, Atiqah and Afiq. Ideas, anyone?

3. Our visa-s are ready to be collected! Yippy!

4. Kejap lagi nak pergi UKM Bangi ambil jubah konvo. Yeyeyeyeyyyyy :D

Sekian. Will come here later.

wink wink ~.^  

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

17 days to go


1. Happily or sadly [I'm not sure], we're counting down. 17 days in our homeland is so short.

2. We still haven't make the list for dumping in our luggage with. What to bring and buy. Worth bringing or spending.

3. We spent thousands for visa, flight ticket and other thingies. In short, I would say that I'm broke by now. Yet, we haven't settle with the shopping list.

4. I've read through the National Health Service (NHS) for my antenatal care, hoping that everything will run smoothly and the baby is in good health, happy and be good all the time. Behave tau, baby!

5. The tummy is getting bigger and now I've started to struggle only to climb to our room in Lavender, at level two. Even sometimes I wished we have escalator here. Alhamdulillah Allah provides a great plan for us, that we'll be moving in 17 days. InsyaAllah.

6. We have to pack our things in this few weeks left. You wouldn't know how I wish to bring our wedding gifts to UK. Starting everything from scratch sometimes scares me.

Sekian dulu.

Baby suruh tidur sebab esok ada check-up and we are supposed to come early in the morning sebab saya ada banyak kerja sekolah nak buat. Dengan aktiviti-aktiviti ilmiah yang saya lakukan, saya harap anak saya genius. Huh.

wink wink ~.^

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Life Update


Adik comel saya, Munir kembali ke pangkal jalan semalam ke Alexandria, Egypt. It's a tradition for the family lah bukan untuk ke KLIA beramai-ramai. Sekarang, dengan penambahan Anas in the family, ia telah menjadi lebih excited lah sebab nak jumpa baby Anas. Dia terlampau comel sampai wanita hamil akan berasa nak makan dia.

 Anashaolin. Botak Chinanas.

Adam. Populariti menurun. Kehkeh.

Watak Munir tiada dalam gambar, begitu juga saya dan suami sebab tak gila populariti walaupun semalam saya comel. [Eh]. 

*   *   *

2126 hrs. Suami takda di sisi demi mengurangkan dagu dari 1.5 kepada 1, exercise di Kompleks Sukan. Menjadi isteri kepada seorang lelaki yang rajin bersenam adalah menyenangkan hati. Bukan setakat faktor kenaikan aras hormon testesteron [erk]. Tidak, yang penting, saya rasa secured sebab suami menjalankan gaya hidup sihat. Maklumlah, saya kan produk Fakulti Sains Kesihatan.

Perasaan menjadi wanita hamil adalah pelik. Suami pun telah berasa pelik melihat isterinya. Tapi, don't worry. I'll be proud of being buncit. Tapi kenapa entah macam tak berapa ada perasaan sangat. Mungkin naluri keibuan tu takes time nak develop well in me. Tapi I love my baby tau, tak pernah saya berasa susah dengan kewujudannya. Alhamdulillah. 

Flight ticket to London had been booked today. Ticket will be issued after getting visa, maybe next week. Currently waiting for the Marriage Certificate to be translated into English for the visa-sake. It's a divine intervention that we got the latest news from VFS Malaysia that effective on the 1st Oct 2012, Malaysia was announced as a low-risk country by the UK Border Agency. So we can save the back-up money worth MYR 30K for my 12-months-visa to be a housewife in the UK!! What a relief.   

Sekian. Got to go to the bed. Esok sibuk!

wink wink ~.^ 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Walking through adulthood (Part 2)

Again. Meniti usia dewasa. Akuuuuuuuu di dalaaaaam diiii leeeee maaaaa.. [lagu KRU please].

Hai hai. Hari yang mempeningkan kepala wanita hamil telah tiba. Dahulu lagi telah tiba sebenarnya tetapi telah  dibuat-buat lupakan. Sesungguhnya, hari ini suami telah mendapat khabar berita yang tak menggembirakan. T_T

Saya pun jadi sedih setelah kepeningan kepala saya kembali. Saya telah fikir lama dulu dah pasal ni. And now, I have to feel and think about it again and again.

Adakah saya takmau ikut suami? Mahu. Tapi adakah suami mampu menyara saya kalau saya bertaraf surirumah? Taktahu. Apakata ibu bapa dan mertua? Ikut, jangan tinggal sini. Adakah saya pernah cakap kat suami saya nak tinggal sini? Pernah. Lebih sekali. Siapa nak jaga saya berpantang kelak? Err..

Dan sekarang, what happen, kalau saya tak ikut suami. Macam mana? Macam manaaa?

Sesungguhnya saya sangat takut nak menghadapi kehidupan tanpa suami di sisi. [Ouch T__________________T nangis secara banyak]. For eight years we have been together and 6 months plus being his wife. Kalau saya tak jumpa dia selama 10 bulan, apa kata survei?

I have to think, rethink rethink rethink rethink think think think. February intake is the nearest semester kalau saya nak sambung study. Tetapi keadaan takkan mengizinkan sebab I will be bloated with 7-months belly.

Oleh itu, saya harap kami akan ditunjukkan jalan yang semudahnya oleh Allah. Kerana saya taktau pun apa nak buat. Sekarang asyik terbayang nak melalui confinement di tanah air sendiri. Tapi sambil nangis sikit-sikit  lah nanti rindu suami. Risau banyak perkara, esp our baby.

We'll see. Saya pening.

Sekian. T__T

Monday, October 1, 2012

Walking through adulthood


Hai. Setakat menjadi blogger [tak komersial], inilah pencapaian terburuk sebab bulan yang lalu hanya buat 3 posts [itu pun macam tak ikhlas, bukan? kehkeh]. Er er tak, belum niat nak retire ke apa, just baby cakap takyah blog [as if.. ]. Don't worry, life has treated me well, same goes to the hubby. Thank you Shayyang. 

So far, after 6 months of marriage, saya dah berjaya buat udang masak lemak cili padi untuk suami. My husband is on diet, tahu? Dagu beliau daripada dua sekarang dah tinggal 1.5, kira ok lah. I support you, darling! Sebab itu kita takleh makan fastfood and dine in kat mana-mana kedai dengan giat lagi. Lagipun, baby ni baik, saya masak-masak pun dia tak pernah nak mengakibatkan tragedi muntah ke apa. I love you, my baby! 

Lame lame. Socially awkward betul rasa bila dah berkahwin ni. IT savvy apatah lagi. Account instagram pun tak ada. FB pun dah agak tak selera. Apakah saya semakin ditelan usia? 

Tengok. I don't have things to write here. 

I still have a few tasks to be settled for Mommy [my professor yang comel]. And recently, I'm occupied with travelling preparation. Susah jugak nak berpindah rumah tangga ni, fikir kerja lagi tak siap-siap. Hmm.

Gebon nak berpindah negara ni. We'll definitely miss our Lavender. T_____T

Oh now I miss my husband too. 

Semoga Allah memberi bantuan kepada kami menghadapi hidup meniti usia dewasa ini. Amin. 

wink wink ~.^

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