1. A nature disaster just happened yesterday. Heavy rain, lightning and storm passed through Lavender. Akibatnya, bumbung atas bilik kami tercabut, siap berterabur atas rumput. Nasib baik siling tak pecah. Flood in two rooms at the 2nd floor, we caught our carpets swimming. Luckily it's just a minor flood in our room, though carpet basah juga sikit. And this morning, the house smells goooooood with the carpet aroma. Pagi yang mendung macam tak mengizinkan penyidaian carpet. Later will find laundry shop for the carpets. Again $$$$$!
2. Just finished my Biology class today, next week will be the last class, the precious moment with my students next week will be treasured. Tengah fikir lagi hadiah apa nak bagi dekat my students, Biha, Hasni, Qayyum, Atiqah and Afiq. Ideas, anyone?
3. Our visa-s are ready to be collected! Yippy!
4. Kejap lagi nak pergi UKM Bangi ambil jubah konvo. Yeyeyeyeyyyyy :D
Sekian. Will come here later.
wink wink ~.^
Léonard De Vinci (2019)
5 years ago
Bila konvo dear?
Nak datang tengok..
Pastu nak pinjam jubah..
Nak berlakon konvo gak.
Nak posing2..
Hahahahahaha.. :P :P :P
~ Aisyah ~
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