in the name of Allah,,most merciful..
i start my blogging here,,but actually i dun even have thought to become a blogger.
[ini adalah versi saida munira yg tiba2 tlh sgt buhsan,,lalu dia pun setat mencari hobi baru]
the main objective for this blog:
to make my life more enjoyable.
[kasihan saidamunira ini...dia kdg2 asik buat benda yg sama je iaitu makan & makan,,so,kn crk benda baru nak dibuat!,,klu x,,sy akan jd obes!]
the priorities are: improve my way of thinking & writing maintain and attain a good control of stress correct life imbalances
the principles are:
1.educate myself to think about life and throw it into this blog
2.provide myself with ideas and interpret life as enjoyable as i could
3.enjoy my life :D
[perhatian semue:: ini adlh rutin,,inilah keje.asik2 kn wat planning,,objective,,principle..itulah life sy baru2 ni...adoyai!]
Léonard De Vinci (2019)
5 years ago
tahniah la diats kejayaan anda..starting yg bgs ah...
tetibe cm poyo je wt ke org nk tgk???kuang3,,,
mcm poyor jer.hahahah
eh?aritu ado orang ckp blog adam cam skema....yg ni pun nak ikut jejak gaks ko?hahaha....jgn mare ha.nnt kena jual.kih3x....
anyway congrats.nnt lmo2 improve la tuh...
ini bkn skema laaaaa!!!
ini adlh versi student dietetik jeh..
cik ida.. xtahannn..ade prinsip lg... tettttttt.. xikut xau ah..
sume bende kt wat kn folow prinsip tau.
ehehhe :P
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