you have no idea how messy I was these days. saidamunira sangat horrible atas sebab yang kecil (bagi orang lain, tapi besar bagi saya).
since yesterday, my office hour was filled in lab, learning gas chromatography procedures. the training will continue tomorrow. hmphhh.
yesterday, I wore NEW white colour t-shirt. disebabkan saya di makmal, maka saya memakai labcoat. tapi TAK button is my hobby. moron hobby, perhaps. then, I learnt a lesson, ie: memakai labcoat tanpa membutang adalah stupid sebab you might expose your abdomen area to chemical, etc. worse, you might spoil your new WHITE t-shirt with irremovable chemical. stupid, bukan?
a pendrive looks stupid when the lid is missing. my pendrive looks stupid now. taktau saya campak tutup dia dekat mana. so mad with myself for losing the lid.
swallowing panadol is so tempting recently.
terjaga daripada tidur pada waktu tengah malam sebab sakit pinggang, sakit perut, sakit kepala adalah sangat menyedihkan. tambah menyedihkan di kala tiada tempat mengadu.
without his handphone, I feel like I lost a part of me.
enough blabs.
Léonard De Vinci (2019)
5 years ago
semalam sobbing arini blabbing plak..ish...bersabarlah wahai teman..ahakss..
hhmmph tu membawa mksd hampeh ke? ahaks
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