like I said, my brain is so o ow. everytime heading to somewhere, em, mostly,
it is so bad. no. worst.
tapi miss something tak sama dengan miss someone. miss someone pulak tak sama lah dengan miss home. eh. miss saida pun tak sama dengan siapa-siapa pun.
btw, I'm developing guidelines to enhance memory;
1. eat more fish [omega-3 contained]
2. eat more vegetables [especially green leafy vegetables]
3. eat more fruits
4. eat more soy products, increase unsaturated fatty acids intake [use vegetable oil in cooking]
5. exercise regularly
6. stop smoking / alcohol
7. stimulate your brain, read, do mathematics, riddles, puzzles, etc.
8. stay positive
oh. buat panduan syok sendiri, lepas tu sendiri yang having memory complaints secara sangat serius. %^&*%%$#. my brain is messy.
have productive days ahead.
wink wink ~.^
Léonard De Vinci (2019)
5 years ago
owh, baru published guidelines patut a beriya ajak aku jogging arini.. tp ujan dah ni.. klu benti leh la gi ek!! hihi
aku nak bagi memori ko pun jadi kuat same.
:D heee
wiush.. part alkohol dgn smoking tu xde kaitan tuuu...
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