The Sweet 17

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, May 28, 2010


I am now seriously thinking of losing weight. like seriously serious. hmph. now things are getting serious. just now, I punched myself slightly below my pelvis, then, something was shaking. like vigorously! [see, I am yelling] ugh ugh, :(. I don't exactly know what my current weight is, but last two weeks, 47 kg, with ~26% fat. what a curse.

Cessna keep reminding me that I have to look fit. not flabby. yeah I know, my figure is getting thicker everyday. instead, I only
wished I am thinner, with no action. wish wish.

oklah. terasa loser.

* * *

baiklah semua. dengan tak semena-mena, saya menukar topik.

about Jakarta, it was a great one week of experience. we went for presenting our research proposal at Universitas Indonesia. in short, I experienced heavy traffic jam, less time for shopping, visiting few places in Jakarta, enjoying Indonesian food so much [but not Teh Botol, please] learning few words [and sometimes it makes funny sentence, eg: "sudahkah anda bersepeda hari ini?" - noted sepeda (without N before D letter) means bicycle :p] getting new friends, and of course missing Cessna sampai rasa nak balik Malaysia, kahwin. oops.

em, one more random thing, I miss Edward Cullen. -this is a frank statement.

ok bye.

wink wink ~.^


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