The Sweet 17

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 5, 2009

tag aeda & udeq, about..

correction. lalu menjawab two in a row terus. sebab di tag oleh aida & udeq dengan perkara yg sama.

they tagged me:


1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?

a= deparment mate, roommate. bukan soulmate. heh
b= coursemate. bukan soulmate juga.

both are my friends. friends are my living treasure

2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her.

i. berwawasan. heh.
ii. gebon.
iii. sometimes self obsession. ;p
iv. jiwang
v. any-tv-programme lover. [sampai nak juling mata beliau kalau tgk tv tahu.]

i. easy going.
ii. berkaliber, juga kaki beliau memang lebar. [saiz 8 tuuuu]
iii. anything you can count on her.
iv. sooO clever. [beliau adalah si genius dalam corse kami]
v. sgt disayangi oleh semua lecturer.

3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.

a= laksa yg seeedddaaaaappppp!
b= print kan poster sy untuk poster presentation contest masa Malaysian Dietitian's Assoc. Conference last year. sangat amazing sy menang contest tersebut. jadi, udeq adalah sgt berjasa.

4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?

a= "no komen. aku xmelarang. tapi aku xmenggalakkan". wohoho. aku xlupa kata2 anda tersebut
b= "jangan mengeluh"

5. IF he/she become your lover, you will...

a & b= belanja makan Carls' Jr. sebab bukan lover, sila beli sendiri. haha

6.IF he/she become your enemy, you will...

a & b= be sad and kerugian besarlah.

7. IF he/she become your lover, he/she has to improve on...

a= the way she looks herself inside the mirror. huh ;p
b= xadalah udeq. heeee.

8. IF he/she become your enemy, the reason is...

a & b= em. xterfikir lah.

9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?

a= bungkus beliau inside my red riding hood. [weee. nak tak?]
b= curi otak beliau sikit. bagi sy pandai mcm beliau.

10.The overall impression of him/her is...

a & b= nice friends!

11.How do you think the people around you will feel about you?

aida kata sy rajin. ehem.

12.The character of you for yourself is?

i think shortly, for short term.

13.On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?

i own a weird world. em. world yg penuh kerugian sebab sy suka membazir masa.

14.The most ideal person that you wanna be is?

most ideal person dalam konteks pasangan hidup adalah menjadi wanita yg sayang sama suami beliau, dah tu suami beliau pun sungguh sayang sama sy.
sama2 pun xboleh kedekut.

15. Ten people to tag:


[jadi xpayah jawab soalan seterusnya. :p]

* * * * *

ini gambar petang tadi, sebelum balik. main2 Cyberlink Youcam dekat twisTouch. sungguh bangga sebab dapat main dengan dietitian sekali. woho.

ok. that's all for today. selamat malam semua.

wink wink ~.^


Cik feeda said...

wah2 nmpk dh ciri2 kebagusan dan kecanggihan twistouch cm lwk gler je sume org..aha

aeda_humairah said...

"no komen. aku xmelarang. tapi aku xmenggalakkan"...hmmm..kite ckp pasal pe tu yang??i x ingt la..u terasa ke????

idatazira said...

bkn mmg berciri canggih ke twistouch aku tu.
mmg lucu pun sume org.
hepi hepi. :D

em, ckp psl tteeeettt.
xtrase pun.
xleh tulis kt cni.

aeda_humairah said...

yang..i rs i da ingt pasal pe..haha...ingt2...

Nurul Huda said...

ida.. ko da blanje aku ke after mmgposter tuh?? kuang3 [lupe dah, mkn semut =P] blanje 2nd time pon xpe..

mari le ajak ramai2 g dinner weh.. last ni, marilah2!!! the more the merier.. MARI!!!!!!

P/S: aku ni ntah attempt kali ke bape tah nak wat write up tak menjadi-jadi, asal on lappy je tenet.. adus2.. ni pon konon nak wat write up skali trus terkandas kt page ko..

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