tips diet, as requested by encik mosaic:
1. penurunan berat badan yg paling ideal adalah 0.5kg/week. so, in a month, you can reduce about 2kg. remember, do not reduce your weight drastically. kalau turunkan berat badan secara drastik in a way u take very little amount of foods, so, your metabolic rate will simultaneously reduce to conserve energy for your body. so, when your metabolic rate is lower, once you eat more, your weight will easily increase.
2. eat healthy and balance foods. [pernah tengok piramid makanan kan? hehe]. semua aras piramid makanan tu kena ada dalam diet seharian. balance foods maknanya pengambilan makanan anda merangkumi semua kumpulan makanan dalam saiz hidangan yg betul.
nasi adalah sumber karbohidrat yg berfungsi untuk membekalkan tenaga. if u do not prefer to take rice, u can replace your carbohydrate intake with other carbohydrate-source foods ie meehoon, mee, kuayteow, bread, biscuit, oats, corn, starchy roots, potato, pasta, macaroni etc.
BUT, it is important for u to understand that:
1 serving of carbohydrate equals to:
1/2 cup rice
1/2 cup mee / meehoon / kuayteow / pasta / macaroni / potato / starchy roots / oats
1/2 piece of chappati
1/3 piece of dosai
1 slice bread
3 pieces of cream cracker biscuits
3 tablespoon oat (uncooked)
*cup = 250ml
1/2 cup = ~1 scoop flat.
it is recommended for you to take about 3 serving carbohydrate per meal.
e.g. for lunch, if u want to take rice, u can take about 1 1/2 cup (~3 scoops flat rice @ 1 mangkuk sederhana nasi macam kalau kita beli nasi ayam tu)
so, if u do not want to take rice, u can choose other carbohydrate options.
e.g. 3 slices of bread or 1 1/2 cup meehoon or 1 piece of dosai
the calorie is still the same with 1 1/2 cups of rice.
according to food pyramid, recommendation for carbohydrate group is 8-12 servings.
if u want to reduce your weight, reduce your portion size, but NOT to exclude carbohydrate from your meal.
3. do not skip meal. take regular meal, breakfast, lunch & dinner. most importantly, do not take your breakfast too late [late breakfast is considered after 8.30 am]. late breakfast will reduce your metabolic rate. one more thing, do not take late dinner. [late dinner is considered after 8.30 pm]. late dinner will increase fat storage in your body.
4. eat more vegetable & fruits. fiber will give u satiety. [makan buah sebelum makan nasi boleh bagi rasa kenyang, so, u can reduce your carbohydrate portion.]
5. reduce sugary foods/drink and fat intake as these will increase your calorie intake.
6. do exercise. u have to understand the principle of energy balance. balance your energy intake with energy expenditure. if u want to reduce weight, reduce your energy intake and increase your energy expenditure.
[em, paham tak eh explaination di atas? maaflah, susah pulak mahu explain in sentence]
terasa sangat berwawasan pulak entri ini. wohoho. ;p
wink wink ~.^
Léonard De Vinci (2019)
5 years ago
wah!thanks a lot!sgt berguna akan berusaha mengamalkan segala tips yg diberikan agar sy kembali ke berat yg ideal..thanks a lot!
wah..mmg sgt berwawasan la dietition sorang ni.
wah..good tips..
oklah,dgn itu anda diterime la bkerje sebagai dietetik di ospital kami.. huhu~
ape kaitan gmbr adam tu ngan dieting?
smoga intervensi anda berjaya.
anything regarding ur diet, u can ask me ok.
i declared myself as ur unoficial dietitian.
aku kdg2 je b'wawasan. kan?
kek spital bongek ko?
agenda makan scr sihat by adam.
adam makan tomato tu.
ye ke adam makan tomato.. kee spageti punye sos.. hikhik..
contohi adam yg membulat..
xcaye lak auntie jaja ni.
adam mkn dgn sihat tahu.
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