The Sweet 17

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, April 9, 2009

tagged by mosaic

sikit lagi boleh mati kebosanan. jadi, mari layan tag encik mosaic dulu. sy kan memang active. bukankah sy dapat award active & kewl daripada encik afif. heh.

1. What is the most important thing in your life?

Faith. Without faith, I'm lost.

2. What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?

Burger ayam di pasar malam.

3. Where do you wish to get married?

Definitely at my parents' house.

4. How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?

Til death do us part. Sampai syurga.

5. Are you in love?

I'm in freak-love

6. Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?

Restoran Nangkam. Dekat Kg. Baru.

7. Name the latest book that you bought?

The Ross Metabolic Formula System: Nutrition Support Protocols. [baru dihantar ke kedai photostat saje]

8. What is your full name?

Sa'ida Munira bt Johari

9. Do you prefer your mother or father

I prefer mother on certain things, and prefer father on certain other things.

10. Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.

First in the list was Karam Singh Walia. Tapi sebab i met him already, so, now is David Beckham.

11. Christina or Britney?

Britney lah.

12. Do you do your own laundry?

Yep. Membasuh baju dapat meningkatkan keyakinan diri.

13. The most exciting place you want to go?


14. Hugs or kisses?

Kisses. uh?

15. Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.

i. Classmate masa form 3.
ii. Matric-mate.
iii. Macam YB.
iv. Nanti mungkin beliau boleh jadi YB betul2 lah.
v. Poyo [eheh. sy copy paste drpd blog anda juga. sebab memang fakta tersebut sama lah ;p]

16. 3 things I am passionate about

i. Food
ii. Love
iii. Career? [macam tipu je]

17. 3 things I say too often

i. ttteeettt.
ii. gebon.
iii. PEACE!!

18. Book I’ve read recently

Clinical Paediatric Dietetics. [I didn't read the entire book lah of course. anda boleh termati tidak percaya kalau sy kata sy baca sebijik buku tersebut.]

19. 8 songs I could listen to over and over again

i. thinking of you - katy perry
ii. love story - taylor swift
iii. my life would suck without you - kelly clarkson
iv. coba - abang faizal tahir
v. sampai syurga - abang faizal tahir lagi
vi. starlight - muse
vii. true - ryan cabrera
viii. how do you sleep - jesse mcCartney

20. 3 things I learnt last year

i. hidup sy sangat bertuah dan sy mesti bersyukur.
ii. bermuka cantik tidak semestinya berhati baik.
iii. to be young is to see the world with critical mind. [so, kalau sentiasa critical mind, sy akan sentiasa muda. he ;p]

21. 8 people to tag

i. miki
ii. fida
iii. aeda
iv. nyna
v. udeq
vi. alang [ini memang media paksaan. heh heh]
vii. amal
viii. kathy bongek

* * * * *

ok. masih belum boleh mati kebosanan. kalau bosan lagi, boleh membasuh baju, ok.

wink wink ~.^


Unknown said...

hoh??saye tak di tag????

Raya Clearance Sale! said...

kathy bongek??? huh? polik jo bunyi eh tu~

mikichann said...

1. setahu saye.. cik saida mmg membasuh bj utk meningkatkan keyakinan diri.. ehe..

2. cik saida!!hepii besday

idatazira said...

ye. anda x di tag.
sila terima kenyataan.

pelik kah?
ok. bongek d'villa.
ok x?

ha.. tahu xpe.
membasuh baju tu mmg penting tahu.
tq tq :D

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