sedang menghembus-hembus hidung. macam terbau2 lagilah foul smelling patient td. [uhh.. :(]
for others, body weight might be a personal matter. but not me.
according to TANITA Body Composition Analyzer;
last semester:
weight - 44.9 kg
BMI - 19.4 kg/m2
BMR - 1106 kcal
fat % - 21.3
fat mass - 9.6 kg
weight - 43.6 kg
BMI - 19.1 kg/m2
BMR - 1087 kcal
fat % - 22.2
fat mass - 9.7 kg
my weight had reduced! [yey yey!!]
BMI of course la reduce simultaneously kan. [no matter, but i wish to be less than 19! ;p]
BMR (basal metabolic rate or kadar metabolisme asas) sudah turun juga. which means i'll easily get fat again. [actually my body is conserving my energy because i only took very light breakfast now. wuu]
fat % had increase [arrrghhh]. makan lagi fastfood 6 kali sebulan ye.
normal range:
BMI : 18.5-24.9 kg/m2
fat % : 20-30% (female), 10-20% (male)
p/s: angah told me that my fat is too little! [xmahu dengar xmahu dengar]. ish, banyaklah. i want it to be 20%. just nice & lean. i'm already covered with fat now. owh, fat is no no thing ok.
6 days to go...
wink wink ~.^
Léonard De Vinci (2019)
5 years ago
jgn kurus.. kurus x bagus.. tya fid yg tgh cube menaekkan BMI.. itu adlh usaha yg amat menekan perasaan
canne nk kire??
oh semcm ade chemistry, br pasan rupenye ko lg awal wat entri psl BMR nih..hehehe oit gemok lg aku nampaknye.. bmi aku 22.1.. huk3
x,,sy xmahu jd underweight lah.
sy mahu BMI 18.5-19 sebolehnye....
tau xbest jd kurus sgt.
nnt sakit duduk dkt kerusi keras ;p
yg kat sini alat TANITA tu yg kira.
tp klu nak kira sndri pun ada formula.
BMI 22 sgt ideal kah?
silalah reduce kan weight anda klu rajin.
cam gemok jek tu??
gemok kn??kn??
memangla lg gemok dpd ko.
ko tu tulang je byk,
lg xbest.
kering, kurang zat!
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